Monday, 22 October 2012

Monday, monday again


Monday, raining day, I am again facing the cleaning dilemma. I have made a good start by clearing the living room and I guess today I can have it done in a couple of hours, bedroom excluded.

Tomorrow I have  job interview and am quite relaxed about it although I do not know which song would be the best to teach. Oh yes, I forgot to mention it is an interview to get a job to start choirs in schools. I do not know if I am gifted enough for that or even if I can adapt to this new learning world where teachers have no say anymore.

I have Classic FM on as always and here it is all peace and quiet. This is a corner of heaven in a world of chaos, my cat, myself and Classic FM.

I forgot to mention that after many months without climbing on my lap my cat has finally decided to lay on it and spent several hours on my lap, purring away. I adore this cat, she is clever, loving, sweet... Nothing like a pet to make you feel loved and appreciated, especially when you feed them!!!

I am finding it quite hard to be alone in the house without my husband, even though we might argue at times, it is better arguing with someone else than with yourself, isn't it?

I really don't fancy cooking for myself so yesterday I had all my meals out. At lunch time I met a friend, David Holland, a pianist and we went for a simple roast dinner in a very popular pub around the area where they do a roast for a fiver. You can imagine how popular this place is for offering a roast with such reasonable price so the place was very crowded but David managed to find us a small table.

Then we had a coffee and cake and then we went to the pub for the club 60/80 as it is mostly men around that age (I am not a man and not yet that age). I came back home around 9 P.M. and couldn't sleep so spent some time on the computer and watching Strictly come dancing I had previously recorded, the show and the results. It was about 4 am when I finally got to sleep with my cat. I am finding it hard to adapt being on my own in this house, although it is quiet, it is very empty.

Well my friends, enough time wasted, back to the nitty gritty now.


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